Saturday 14 May 2016

Peace of Mind

Who are "Transgenders"?
Are we something to fear?
Are we out to prey
On your children and your wives?
Do you embrace a false fear,
Do you malign innocents?
Defame the marginalized.
Or do you choose to love.
Who are "Transgenders"?
I'll tell you who we are,
We are sisters,
We are brothers,
We are fathers and mothers,
We are aunts and uncles,
Children and adults,
Of every race,
From every walk of life,
And we are innocent.
And in some cultures honored,
As people possessing wisdom,
As people possessing insight others
Do not possess,
Who are "Transgenders"?
We are women and men,
Young and old,
Non-Binary and conformist,
We are in a word,
And we are out for one thing,
Peace of mind.