Monday 27 February 2017

Dream Land

You base your politics on rejection of the other.
You direct it at the ignorant, the fearful.
You exploit the uneducated to cement your hold on power.
You court hatred as if it were your lover.
And those who understand can only watch,
For you have a pulpit, a podium, with a cool catch phrase;
Make Dream Land great again,
You repeat it incessantly to a willing audience of fools.

Meanwhile, the less fortunate, 
Those without the luxury of hand me down power,
Are content to be manipulated, molded, divided and conquered, helplessly.
Oblivious to the fact they are all far more alike than different.
Trapped in their own cognitive dissonance,
They duke it out on social media, blissfully immersed in their own ignorance. 

You embrace bald faced lies as fact,
And reject fact as so much unwanted fiction
A dangerous affront to your selfish goals,
Your bloated ego can’t stand a direct challenge
So you retreat to your gold adorned bathroom for solace.

You are resident lump of Dream Land,
A joke played on the population,
At a time when the level of ignorance
And hate is anything but funny.

You are not very good at math,
Numbers are somehow foreign to you
Yet amazingly, you are adept at simple division,
Of people.

Dream Land,
Home of the grave,
Home of this pompous orange orator
I see an apple pie,
Rotting on the counter. 

Oh, Dream Land, where is the love
Where is your heart and soul.
Where are you leading this broken world.