Friday 13 April 2012


There's a crazy little place,
Where the homeless have no face,
And CEOs are wallowing in dough,
Where the eagle used to fly
And the wolves no longer cry,
And Polar bears are trophies, doncha know.

It is a place for those who drill,
A place for those who kill,
It's is a place where reason
Doesn't stand a chance
It's a place where wrong is right,
Where the worker is a blight,
And Democracy, a nuisance, to the shill.

It's Haperland,
It's Harperland,
A 3 ring circus under one humongous tent,
It's Harperland,
It's Harperland,
Holly shit this guy is really fucking bent.

It's a greedy little land
Where corruption is just grand,
Where leaders cheat and lie their way around,
And if you listen really hard,
That might be them out in your yard,
Sniffing with a flash light and a hound.


  1. Very nice. If it wasn't so true I would laugh.

  2. thanks. believe it or not I just saw this comment. 6 mths
