Tuesday, 27 December 2016


The words escape me,
They were once locked up
Easily accessible,
But now they are their own boss
It would seem.

I struggle to contact them
And they ignore me,
Like petulant children,
Playing just out of reach,
In a fog.

The words escape me,
They were once tethered to my mind,
Like a horse to a rail,
Easily ridden to new destinations,

But now they taunt me,
From a distance.
Like  a bully mocks his victim.

The words escape me,
Like butterflies,
Fleeting across open fields, playfully
While I run about flailing,
Attempting to pin down
Freedom itself.

The words escape me.
If you see them,
Tell them I said hello.

Saturday, 24 September 2016


I used to think there was a chance,
To change the world for better,
I used to believe in love and romance,
And now I can’t forget her.
I used to write
In search of an answer,
I used to care,
But this world has cancer.

I used to believe in a dream,
That everyone could share,
I used to think that love conquered all,
And all was fair.
I used to sing,
As if it mattered,
But it doesn’t.

I used to be in love,
But I gave it all away,
I used to be in heaven,
But hell is here to stay.

I used to be a lover,
But now I’m just a dream,
I used to be alive,
But now half dead it seems.

I used to write,
But Now I reason,
I used to see the light,
But fall is now the season

I used to think there was a chance,
To be what I could be,
But now the curtain is descending,
And it’s getting to hard to see.

Monday, 18 July 2016


Here lies Snickers the cat,
Best damn cat ever !
I will miss you Snick !
Your constant meowing,
Your playful nature,
Your pissing on things you shouldn’t,
RIP my friend.
See you later.
Kim. xxoo

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Peace of Mind

Who are "Transgenders"?
Are we something to fear?
Are we out to prey
On your children and your wives?
Do you embrace a false fear,
Do you malign innocents?
Defame the marginalized.
Or do you choose to love.
Who are "Transgenders"?
I'll tell you who we are,
We are sisters,
We are brothers,
We are fathers and mothers,
We are aunts and uncles,
Children and adults,
Of every race,
From every walk of life,
And we are innocent.
And in some cultures honored,
As people possessing wisdom,
As people possessing insight others
Do not possess,
Who are "Transgenders"?
We are women and men,
Young and old,
Non-Binary and conformist,
We are in a word,
And we are out for one thing,
Peace of mind.


Thursday, 21 April 2016



This breath,
Taken for granted,
This heartbeat,
Keeping time,
All so very fragile,
And fleeting.

This life,
Lived to the fullest,
When some can only dream,
Gone, but not forgotten,
By current memories.

And so we fade,
Into history,
A footnote of the past,
Enjoy the bumpy ride my friends,
I hear it doesn't last.

Friday, 15 April 2016


You wax the words,
Pollish phrases,
And hope sentences will grow,
To form verses and or stories,
Or a song you'll come to know,
Just as flowers in the evening,
Close and go to bed,
Again, we see them blossom,
When the light is overhead,
You find ideas,
Within the darkness,
And when the light comes on,
There they are for all to see,
As if hidden all along,
So with care of cultivation,
A gift can truly grow,
And appear to be a talent,
Even genius, don't you know,
But without determination,
And the will to find a way,
Ideas are left in dreamland,
Where soon they fade away,
So when they sprout,
Just plant them,
On some paper,
With a pen,
And just maybe you will touch someone,
And live to tell, again.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Searching and Finding

She doesn't know what she wants,
She'll always be looking for it.
Doesn't know what she has,
Always just gives up on it,
Doesn't know what to do,
Been searching so long to find it,
And her search will go on and on,
'Cause she's chosen to hide behind it.

'Cause she's searching,
Searching her way through life,
And she's finding,
Finding a two edged knife,
Yeah she's searching,
Searching her way through life,
And she's finding,
Finding she's doing alright.

She says she's been 'round the block,
But can't seem to find the answer,
She's playing a game with the clock,
And what father time always hands her,
And she hopes before time runs out,
She'll find what it is she's after,
But you know all she really needs,
Is love, and a little laughter.

So she's searching,
Searching her way through life,
And she's finding,
Finding a two edged knife,
Yeah, she's searching,
Searching her way through life,
And she's finding,
Finding she's doing alright.

She's been dancing with the devil and Jesus,
That Satan is one hell of a dancer,
But in a pinch she keeps looking to Jesus,
'Cause she feels that he holds the answers,
But the road she has chosen is rough,
So it's easy to fall off the wagon,
When temptation keeps raising it's head,
You find a formidable dragon.

So she's searching,
Searching her way through life,
And she's finding,
Finding a two edged knife,
Yeah she's searching,
 Searching her way through life,
And she's finding,
Finding she's doing alright.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Shattered Innocence

Shattered innocence and trust,
Are getting out of hand,
What makes someone take a life?
It's hard to understand,
It must begin in childhood,
Or simply lack there of,
Where stolen dreams,
Scar the mind,
Of those who just need love,
Revenge instead of healing,
Imitates a trend,
Irrational reactions,
Of those who did not mend,
Their history repeats itself,
The lessons never learned,
And so they're doomed,
And damned to a hell,
Of consequences earned,
So many injured parties,
Wandering about,
Secret torments held within,
Eventually break out,
To shatter innocence and trust,
Families and friends,
And viscious cirles spin around,
It seems, without an end,
Shattered innocence and tears,
Just fall upon the floor,
Where once, stood love's potential,
Is only found,
What for.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

A Fine Line

It's a fine line,
Between sin and salvation,
A fine line,
Between temptation and will,
A fine line,
Between eternity and damnation,
And a fine line,
Between luck and skill,
It's a fine line,
Between faith and frustration,
A fine line,
Between savage and saint,
A fine line,
Between insanity and genius,
And a fine line,
Between love and hate,
It's a fine line,
Between have and have not,
A fine line,
Between hope and despair,
A fine line,
Between freedom and bondage,
And a fine line,
Between truth and a dare,
It's a fine line,
That wrinkles the forehead,
A fine line,
Carved deep your brow,
A fine line,
On the palm of your hand,
And a fine line
Between why and how,
It's a fine line,
Between questions and answers,
A fine line,
Everyone takes,
A fine line,
Straight and narrow,
Or a fine line,
Marked by mistakes,
It's a fine line
That draws the conclusions,
A fine line,
Between difference and spite,
A fine line,
That separates people,
A fine line,
Between wrong and right,
It's a fine line,
Between care and indifference,
A fine line,
Between wisdom and wit,
A fine line,
Between knowledge and ignorance,
And a fine line,
Between win and quit. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

archive access

To view posts from previous years in the right hand margin you have to click on the small arrows 1st, & then the date. 

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Wild Humans.

Wild humans on the loose,
Put each other in a noose,
No one seems to want a truce,
Wild humans on the loose,
Wild humans on the run,
Shoot each other with a gun,
No one knows what has begun,
Wild humans on the run.,
Wild humans, love and hate,
Always tempting death and fate,
No one knows how to relate,
Wild humans, love and hate,
Wild humans turned and tossed,
Hatred brings us such a cost,
No one wants a final frost,
Wild humans turned and tossed,
Wild humans on a course,
Of collision, unknown force,
Separation, then divorce,
Hatred ends, race in remorse,
Wild humans, CO2,
Sun too hot for me and you,
Wild humans, acid rain,
Tears of death, and future pain,
Wild humans, selfish lot,
Short on sight, time forgot,
Wild humans, profit blind,
Devils advocate, defined,
Wild humans, don't give in,
Don't give up before the win,
Wild humans live to sin,
Fact of life, when we begin,
Wild humans, getting late,
Yes it's hot, and death's the fate,
No one really knows the date,
Sun's a fish, and we're the bait,
Wild humans on the run,
Shoot each other with a gun,
Just our way of having fun,
While earth is baking in the sun,
Wild humans in a zoo,
Apprentice arsonists, and you,
Ozone layer wearing through,
And no one knows quite what to do,
Wild humans in this race,
With finish lines on every face,
Wave checkered flags of past disgrace,
As we all hope and pray for grace,
Wild humans getting sick,
And everyone is so afraid,
And no one knows quite what to do,
We're wild humans, me and you.