Tuesday 28 June 2011

We Are One

Personally I am tired of division. Humans, naturally, are one. Not a splintered mess.
We have been fed lies of division, of separation, in order to stifle opposition.
Right now it matters little who is in government if people are meeting in secret to plan wars of conquest and submission. If people are meeting in secret to usurp the peoples right to power; to think freely, to live without interference and heavy burden.
Truth today is in short supply. Drowned out by rhetoric, frustration, argument, thinking us and them...rather than WE.
It is time for people to realize that we are all one. To drop selfish ideology in favour of common sense, common decency, common good will.
War is not the answer to the worlds problems, money is not the answer to world problems, hatred and separation of goodness through the use of fear...will not solve the worlds problems. Instead it amounts to deliberate exacerbation.
Only an open heart and questioning mind can lead to solutions.
Only mutual love and understanding can solve the mess created by greed and evil.
The problems is... a lot of very bad people are making a lot of money off the backs of the poor. It is in the interest of these people to keep us divided and fighting each other.
So it will not be an easy road ahead. Those who hold back room power in this world do not want to give it up. Only through the realization that we really are not naturally separate; will the people prevail in this ongoing struggle. We all simply want, food, water, shelter and love. Apparently these things are expensive in this morally bankrupt world.


  1. God, I agree with every last comment. I might add more later (this is now for me, late at night). As you know, these are not new problems, but for me they are starting to press. Regardless, thanks Kim.

  2. And what we have lost, we have allowed. what the bad men have done, we have allowed. because of our own personal greed, our own personal fear, and our own worries about the future. much of which was instilled by those bad men. only love can help us now. only when we open our hearts and dismiss the fear, worry, greed, and anxiety, can we step beyond the current paradigm. and if we do not, things will get a lot worse. love is the question, and love is the answer.
