Go ahead, rant,
Scream your fuckin' head off,
If you think it'll do you any good,
But if you think your bullshit,
Has any affect, what so ever,
On this sorry asshole,
Then think again,
Who do you think you are, any way,
The fuckin' pope,
And come to think of it,
Who does he think he is,
Mister holier than thou,
I mean, I'm me, you're you,
And that's it, that's all,
Change is constantly changing nothing,
And anything I say, or you say, or we say,
Is never permanent,
I mean, I hear the cries,
I see the pain,
The hurt, the hate, the despair,
But all the words in the world,
Mean fuck all,
Do you hear me, fuck all,
People have been talking for ages,
About working together,
And all it takes is one, shit for brains,
Gun toting, hate festered, fear monger,
With an action plan,
Bigger than any five syllable word,
I've ever seen, to snap,
And fuck things up for everybody,
It's sad, but this writer,
Who's in love with words,
Lyrics, and poems,
And stories, and love thy neighbor,
And turn the other cheek, and
All that other sensitive, meek and weak
Inherit the earth, crap,
Has come to the conclusion,
Without, might I add, jumping,
That words, alone,
Look and sound real pretty,
But they only reach people that
Don't need them,
So carry on, keep it up,
Get it off you burdened heart,
And mind and soul or whatever,
I mean you can't leave all those words,
Cooped up inside, forever,
But remember,
You're only changing yourself,
And maybe reaching your peers,
And that's about it,
The rest couldn't give a rat's ass,
Hey, by the way,
Pass me another beer,
And a chicken wing,
The night is young,
This is the life, cheers.