Tuesday 12 July 2011

Mother Nature

You are crap in a toilet bowl,
And I just heard it flush,
So watch the little whirlpool,
While you're waiting for the crush,
You are spokes
On a giant bicycle wheel,
All bent out of shape,
So listen to them rattle,
While you catch it all on tape,
You are fishies
In a great big sea,
Of water, chummed with truth,
So think a minute,
While you can,
For sharks are long of tooth,
You are specs of fly dirt,
On a wall, of bricks,
Made out of mud,
So pinch yourself, if you're awake,
And smell the winds of blood,
You are helpless individuals,
Connected by a wire,
So grab your lap top, and a chair,
And curl up by the fire,
You're spawning little salmon roe,
Passengers in transit,
So use the senses given you,
As if supply, demands it,
You're nothing on the grander scale,
Life is love if you choose it,
It all depends on attitude,
Whether or not you lose it,
You are parts that constitute a whole,
Dependent on each other,
So smarten up, you spoiled brats,
And heed your fucking mother.  

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